Monday, 17 June 2013

Listen to me!

Birdsong, a sunset, a baby breathing, all take a moment to notice. Yet some things just slip into the background, no matter how beautiful they are.

Sometimes our hearts do that. All our wants, our dreams, our passions, our hopes, our inner voice get lost inside the white noise of life.

Our thoughts, words and actions are not random results, a lottery of options taking their turn. They are prompted by what is inside, by our hearts.

So much so, I would argue that it defines us. Making it very difficult go against it and to maintain a sort of dual personality. However, exposing your heart can raise all sorts of issues. What if your heart is a place of unrest or sadness? What if it is a broken and injured space which seeks only refuge. 

I believe in exposing my heart. Being real about what is on the darker side and letting it go. You can do this with people and seek comfort, reassurance and solace. But by being true with yourself and involving the Holy Spirit of God you can not apologise for being who you are, but work with your true self. Repairing the brokeness, healing the pain and working on the sticky issues. You can also reveal more joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self control. 

As in water face reflects face,
So the heart of man reflects man.

Proverbs 27:19

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